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Why Your Dog May Not Need Shoes During Winter?

Just like you, your cute little pet cannot stay inside 24 hours. You have to take it out even when the driveway is covered with ice. Most pets don’t like wearing shoes and there can be major consequences of going out barefoot.

Dogs are amazing creatures. Depending on where you are living, the paws of your dogs have already adopted to the climate. Their delicate paws can withstand ice. However, minor damage still occurs. If this damage is not repaired, this can lead to some serious problems. You can use the best dog paw balm to protect the pads of your dog’s paws. Keep in mind that your dog is not going to wear shoes because of its high body temperature.

Dogs don’t even need to put on shoes. A complicated system of arteries and veins in your pet’s paw drain warm blood and keep paws warm. Heat is recirculated back to the body core. This system can even warm the cold blood which is redistributed throughout the body. Freeze-resistant tissue and fat in the dog’s paws are very similar to the paws of the Arctic fox. Paws are made of the toughest skin providing insulation. Pads are designed to withstand the cold. So, don’t push your pet to wear shoes.

A pair of shoes is unnatural as it can affect your dog’s balance and friction. There is a gripping texture on the pads allowing them to walk comfortably on a variety of surfaces such as dirt, floors, rainy roads, etc. Wearing shoes deprives them of this grip. A bad quality pair of shoes can irritate the skin of your dog. So, first of all, you should avoid buying shoes for your pet. Still, if you have to buy, make sure that you have checked the material.

Shoes made from good quality materials can be beneficial in some situations. Service dogs have to go up on metal ramps more frequently. They need to wear shoes when they are on hot surfaces most of the time. Their pads need protection when they walk on the hot tar. German police dogs wear booties to protect pads from the glass shreds left by drunks. These booties protect from wounds and cuts.

In the end, dogs don’t like wearing shoes. Paw pads come with a natural ability to handle ice. However, depending on the terrain, some minors issues can occur. You can treat these injuries using the best dog paw balm.

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